10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Satechi

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas

Super Minimal. Super Productive. Super Functional.

Rajshekhar Reddy
Mac O’Clock
Published in
6 min readOct 13, 2021


The iPad was introduced by Steve Jobs nearly more than a decade back.

I always believed the iPad had a great future. It’s an interesting device in the entire Apple lineup. Other than being so portable and lightweight, it is so versatile, it’s more than up to any task.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Photo by Kewal on Unsplash

Whether you are working on a project, expressing your creativity, using it as a sidecar, or playing an immersive game, the iPad is a fun and powerful way to get it done.

With an all-powerful desktop-class M1 chip, keyboard/mouse support, Apple Pencil, and iPad OS, the iPad is nearing the laptop replacement territory on many fronts.

But this story is NOT about whether or not the iPad can act as a laptop replacement. I might take that up as a separate story at some later point.

This story is more to do with the persona. Assuming you work on an iPad, chances are high that you value minimalism, like to keep it clean and clutter-free with fewer cables.

If you needed another reason to pick up an iPad, I have rounded up 10 of the best incredible iPad desk setup ideas based on your persona to help get your new workspace started.

Guess what, all these setups take up way less space too. On your desk or in your bag.

So, without further delay, let’s get started.

The Minimalist

You are someone who gives importance to a lifestyle more than technology. You wake up, water your plant, grab your coffee, browse over the news or articles, scribble notes, write or reply few emails, listen to some music or podcast, and that’s it. You stick to the bare basics. You are a minimalist. As they say, less is more.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you. This setup is just an extension of yourself.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Photo by Brandon Romanchuk on Unsplash

The Artist

You love art. A connoisseur at it too. The iPad is the medium through which you express yourself. Art can be of many forms. You either sketch, paint, or might do typography. But no matter what, the iPad is your go-to device for all those creative juices to get flowing.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Instagram

The Writer

You love writing blogs and articles. On the fly. You are someone who loves to push content as and when possible.

You use your iPad as the main go-to device as it comes with keyboard support. You also read a lot using this device. Basically, you appreciate the form factor and portability.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

The Student

You use an iPad because you don’t want the crappy Chromebook. The iPad can be doubled up as a laptop with a third-party keyboard and mouse. Also, you can take notes using the notes app.

The scribble to text feature converts your handwritten notes into typed text snippets. You can surf the internet, watch videos, and make a presentation if required. All in all, a great device to carry to your college/school.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Instagram

The Professional

Your work mainly revolves around word, excel and keynote presentations. You manage a team of people under you and there is a workflow being set up.

Your calendar acts as your main scheduler and you often take calls on zoom or teams.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Instagram

The Creator

You are either in the field of video blogging, music, fashion, architecture, photography, or design. You work on an idea and then take it forward on a bigger canvas. iPad merely acts as a sidecar for you. The main car happens to be a monitor big enough for you to think and brainstorm.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Instagram

The Gamer

You love the adrenaline. Always in need of brute force. With a dedicated app store for games called the Arcade and with the support of X-box and PS, you just need to call the right shots. And the right setup. It’s the perfect powerplay.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Instagram

The Transformer

The iPad’s portability is great, but having a home base to lock in and get work done is essential for any home office iPad setup. You want to incorporate an iPad dock to do it all — charge it, mount it, and open up a whole new world of functionality with the additional ports, from HDMI to USB-A & USB-C, SD, and more.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Instagram

The Timekeeper

You love art pieces. iPad is less of a technical device and more of a decorative art piece for you.

So, even when you’re not using your iPad, it can still be useful. When idle, use your iPad’s slick display as a timekeeper with a clock screensaver.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Instagram

The Retro

You want a mix of modern and old. As much as you appreciate the modern piece of technology, you still miss that old odd clicking sound of the keys and the keyboard itself.

You call it nostalgia. We call it the Retro.

If the above lines resonate with you, then this setup is for you.

10 incredible iPad Desk setup ideas
Image Source: Instagram

Final thoughts

So, as you can see, the iPad is such an incredible device that has way more use cases than you can imagine. So buck up and take a pick. Now for today’s question

Which one is your favorite setup? What is your persona basically?

Let me know in the comments below. At the beginning of this story, I did mention the legendary Steve Jobs. This is his tenth year since he left us.

If you want to know more, you can take a look at my previous story by clicking on the link below. Well, that’s it for today.

Until my next, peace!



Rajshekhar Reddy
Mac O’Clock

SAP consultant by profession. Apple fanboy for life. I love to write about Apple products. Please follow and subscribe to my newsletter for the latest stories.