10 iPhone Apps for November

Mac O’Clock
Published in
8 min readNov 13, 2021


Screenshot of November in the wireframe of iPhone 13 Pro

November might not be full of tech events, but it is the month many people update their iPhones to the latest software and use the new features.

Many developers who have updated their apps for the new iOS 15 will increase their sale through in-app purchases, and overall, life for many people becomes more joyful and fruitful.

In this edition of 10 iPhone apps for the month of November, we will analyze some fantastic apps in different categories. Some apps are Safari extensions, while many are in the categories of education, entertainment, augmented reality, and more.

1. Veil

Screenshot of the Veil app on iPhone 12 Mini

Citizen journalism at its best can be utilized with the help of apps like these, especially when you are reporting an event where the government doesn’t like coverage of news events by its citizen.

The aim of this app is vast, as it might be the start of protecting one’s privacy by allowing more people to speak out on matters most concerning in our lives.

🔐 Privacy: No data collection

💳 Price: $2.79

☑️ Compatibility: 📱iPhone



Mac O’Clock

I write stories of a beautiful future where technology enriches our lives.