10 iPhone Apps For The Month Of May

Mac O’Clock
Published in
11 min readMay 8, 2021


The month of May is a special one. We are in the middle of the spring where trees look pristine, their greenness radiates the calm nature we have all experienced which comes with a mixture of the aroma so desirable one can only experience in this dear time.

As with the previous months when I introduced some useful applications for the iPhone and gave them a mini review, I will do the same for this month, and hopefully, you will enjoy it.

These apps we discuss are not explicitly built for the iPhone and depending on the developers’ preferences many of them can be used on Macs with the M1 processor. I will try to mention if the apps support iPads and other Apple platforms as well. I will also hint if any app respects your privacy.

1. Klima

Screenshots of the Klima app

Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming whether you like it or not. — Greta Thunberg

The climate change has already made its impact on our lives. We are now more susceptible to long-lasting effects from our consumeristic lifestyle. The excessive use of industrial products doesn’t help to solve the equation of global warming.



Mac O’Clock

I write stories of a beautiful future where technology enriches our lives.