10 Tips To Improve Your iPhone Security

10 simple rules to protect better the data inside your iPhone

Guillermo Barreiro
Mac O’Clock


When compared to its rival Android, iOS has always had a better reputation in security and privacy terms, becoming a highlight in all Apple marketing campaigns. This security is also grounded in the system restrictions since Apple keeps very strict control over what you can do with your phone, something that Android fans always criticize about iOS.

Nevertheless, there have been a lot of security issues during the 12 years of iPhone history, so as users, we have to stay alert. With the following 10 tips, your iPhone and the data inside it will be much more secure against hacking attempts, so take note!

1. Set a non-fixed length PIN

FaceID and TouchID are super convenient ways of seamlessly unlocking your iPhone. However, we need to set a PIN or password for unlocking the phone after rebooting, or if the face or fingerprint authentication fails. Moreover, this PIN or password is also used for encrypting all the sensitive data inside your phone, so we have to choose a secure one. Most of the people use a 4 or 6 digits PIN, which leads to 10,000 or 1,000,000 possible combinations respectively



Guillermo Barreiro
Mac O’Clock

Born in the 90s in Vigo, Spain. Telecom Engineer and tech, sports, music, food and traveling lover. Based in Gothenburg, Sweden.