The 11 Features in iOS 14 That Are Truly Unique and Awesome

Genuinely Android-killer features

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readJan 7, 2021


iOS 14 has been the most awaited and satisfying OS ever released by Apple. It ushered in many significant changes to Apple devices. A totally revamped picture appears in the latest update.

Though iOS 14 is claimed as a light weight OS, it still comprises a variety of features no other OS has ever provided. Here are some of the features that made me simply awestruck, as a new iOS user.

1. Back Tap:

Photo by Paul Hoenhorst on Unsplash

Since iOS 14 has released, Apple users noticed a new button on their phones..! It seems like Apple secretly added that physical hardware with the software update. But practically, the company has been working on it even before the launch of iPhone 8 series in 2017, but has kept it secret till 2020.

This invisible button works motor-oriented. It enables optionally you to perform actions by tapping the back of your iPhone twice or thrice. Most users use it for taking screenshots

This new method of simple tapping is very easier than holding a Snapchat story…

