3 Ways M1 Macs are More Secure

Apple’s silicon chips including the M1 processor are more secure. SoC (system on chip) refinements enable secure boot processes and enhanced privacy of user biometric data.

Scott Parker
Mac O’Clock


A new MacBook opened at a 45 degree angle with the keyboard reflecting off the screen
Photo by Philipp Katzenberger on Unsplash

You may be surprised to find out that the new M1 Macs no longer include the T2 chipset. This is great news because back in October of 2020, a design flaw had not only been discovered but deemed ‘unpatchable.’ Details around that specific vulnerability can be found here. It is important to note that the T2 chips are still currently used for Intel based Macs but not for the new M1 Macs.

Are Apple silicon Macs less susceptible to this and other security vulnerabilities? In short, yes! I recently created a post titled ‘3 reasons not to purchase an M1 Mac.’

While at this point in time, those 3 reasons still hold true, a further look suggests there are in fact new security enhancements worth considering. I did a deeper dive into Apple’s security docs¹ and it turns out there are some exciting security…



Scott Parker
Mac O’Clock

Innovation seeker, connecting individuals with powerful ideas through the art of writing.