4 Things I Want From the New iPads in March

The next Apple event is on the horizon!

Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock


Image courtesy of the author

It feels like a long time since we last spoke about the iPad.

In fact, it feels like a long time since I spoke about anything apart from Vision Pro, new Android smartphones, and AI.

It’s nice to get back to basics — and that’s what the iPad feels like. This isn’t a slight on Apple’s tablet, either; it remains one of the company’s most loved, yet, weirdly, least understood products. No one but a select few ultra iPad users appears to have worked it into their lives in a ‘must not leave home without this thing’ kinda way.

I certainly haven’t. And I’ve really tried, promise.

However, as the trees start to blossom and March rears its head, it seems like we’re almost certain to see a Spring Apple event very soon, and one that comes with the prospect of some new iPad hardware.

This is what I’d love to see next month.

1. A new iPad mini

It’s time, Tim. It really is time.

The iPad mini 6 hit the shelves in September 2021. That makes it over 800 days old. Granted, that isn’t old in iPad terms, but for a device which is so dearly loved by its fans, it’s far too long.



Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock

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