5 Ways I Use TextExpander to Be More Productive

And I keep finding more each week!

Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock


Image courtesy of author

You know when you suddenly realise that you keep undertaking the same task again, and again, and again?

I’m terrible for this — I do it all of the time. Worse, still, I know I’m doing it, yet it often takes me an awfully long time to do anything about it.

This has long been the case with entering repetitive text. Whether it’s my email sign-off, shipping address, or the consistent elements of my YouTube description template, if I could have £1 for every time I’ve typed the exact same sentence of text, I’d be a very rich man.

Thankfully, I found TextExpander and… yeah, you guessed it — this simple piece of software has changed the game for me, big time.

What is TextExpander?

The premise behind TextExpander is super simple. It’s an omnipresent app on your Mac which enables you to summon pre-written content with a couple of keystrokes.



Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock

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