5 Web Apps I Rely On Every Single Week

I couldn’t run my business without them

Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock


Image courtesy of author

I’m a big fan of web apps. I appreciate they’re not for everyone, but given the choice between the web-based version of a piece of software and its native counterpart, I’ll typically opt for the former.

This is usually because the native version feels like an afterthought, or because it seems incapable of doing anything other than draining my M1 MacBook Air’s battery as quickly as possible.

There are five web apps that I rely on to keep my content pipeline chugging along. Without them, everything would take longer and be full of errors (or, yes, more errors than usual) — if I remembered to do it at all.

Let’s dive in.

1. Notion

I recently described Notion as a tool “ I couldn’t run my business without”. I stand by that, but I do wish it was easier to describe what it is.

Let’s give it a go.

Notion is, essentially, a customisable database. You can turn it into pretty…



Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock

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