7 Hidden iPhone Hacks You Probably Never Knew About

If you knew these tricks, you’re no less than an iOS pro

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readJan 25, 2022


iPhone image
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

I’ve told the same point often enough in different ways, but I couldn’t help but still write the same point. Because, such is the enormity of the topic.

The iOS is a mystery box of lots of hidden features Apple didn’t reveal. And every time I discover something new, I’d run like un-naked Archimedes yelling “Eureka!”.

Here I’d bring to you 10 hidden iOS features I recently discovered. You might not knew these before.

#1. App pages (I call it so) 🗞

App pages in iOS
Gif by the author

This lesser-known feature makes managing Home Screen as easy as managing Safari tabs.

To use this, press and hold the dots below your apps on the Home Screen till your apps jiggle. Now, take your finger to view all your Home Screen apps organised neatly as pages.

This way,

  • you can alter their order by dragging,
  • hide a page by unchecking it,
  • or even delete a page by clicking – after you hide it.

