7 Hidden Mac Tricks You Probably Never Knew About

If you knew these tricks, you’re no less than a macOS pro

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2022


iMac and iPhone on a table
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

Many of my pals refused to buy Macs saying they aren’t very customisable, and lack tricks they got used to with the Windows machines.

But that’s false. Bold period.

Apple has only hidden many tricks — which are to be discovered and used regularly for a cozy Mac experience.

Here I tell you 7 of such hidden tricks that give you a solid Mac experience.

#1. Hide Settings you don’t use

Mac Settings
Screenshot by the author

Observe the picture above. Do you find any difference between your System Preferences and the above one?

(Obvious) A. It has lesser settings.

I hid my lesser used settings so the window looks cleaner. Here’s how you can do it too.

Go to System Preferences ⚙️ < View (At the top) < Customise . Now uncheck all the settings you don’t need on the page. And click Done at the top.

#2. Accurate Brightness

