9 transcription tools for podcasters and video makers

Chris Chinchilla
Mac O’Clock
Published in
9 min readJan 25, 2024


I create a lot of content with audio. Interviews that become final podcasts, final podcasts, videos, and more. In almost all cases, a transcript of that audio is useful. Often, I use it to create a blog post based on that audio, and I am also in the process of creating interactive transcripts for my backlog of podcasts. And that aside, accompanying transcriptions of shows are good for SEO and accessibility.

Transcription tools have existed for some time, but the recent wave of generative AI tools has vastly increased the options provided by existing and new services, also available in desktop offline applications.

On top of this, I have a lot of older shows. How can I automate the backlog of transcribing them?

With several hours of old shows to transcribe and a growing backlog of episodes to release, I thought it was time to test the several potential services piled up in my “to check out pile”.

Video version

Sample recording

I needed some sample audio to work with, so I used an interview I recently had with Alex from Respeecher. Alex is from Ukraine, so has an accent when he speaks English, which is a good test…



Chris Chinchilla
Mac O’Clock

Writer, podcaster, and video maker covering technology, the creative process, board and roleplay game development, fiction, and even more.