AirPods Are Apple’s Greatest Innovation Since the iPhone

Omar Zahran
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2020


AirPods on top of iPhone X, on top of an iPod with an Apple Pencil next to it
Image Credit: Sloth x Bear via Unsplash

Apple is a company that fascinates many people, myself included. Here in the United States, the company is a tastemaker. The iPhone changed the way that people look at phones, ushering in an era of touchscreen slabs and rendering physical keyboards extinct. The MacBook Air changed the way that companies design laptops, where thin and light form factors have become all the rage. Many have wondered what the company’s next big product launch that changes things would be. Some have thought that it would be the Apple TV or even the HomePod. Others have concluded that this new innovative product has yet to arrive or may never happen. But here’s a thought, the product is already here and that product is one of Apple’s smallest: AirPods.

Look Who’s Laughing Now

Man in yellow shirt wearing AirPods
Image Credit: Dugba Cauley-Hushie via Unsplash

I vividly remember when Apple first announced AirPods, the solution to the headphone jack being removed in the iPhone 7. Today we are much more accustomed to phones without headphone jacks, but back when Apple first did the idea was incredibly controversial. Many people made the “if it isn’t broke then don’t fix it” argument in favor of keeping the headphone port.



Omar Zahran
The Startup

Freelance sports writer fascinated by the stories that our favorite teams and athletes present to us