Apple And Samsung Are On The Brink Of Something New

We might one day only need a single device to power everything we do

Bruce Ironhardt
Mac O’Clock


From ABS-CBN News

Mobile processors in recent years have become, for a lack of a better word, stupid fast. So fast in fact that the iPad Pro from 2018 has benchmark scores that in some cases out compete for full-blown laptops like the entry-level MacBook Air.

That’s a crazy amount of performance on a device that's both super light and also passively cooled. And while that’s great, it got me thinking about what the future of computing might be.

For a while now we’ve had incremental changes on the same devices. Phones, laptops, computers have all been improving but they haven’t fundamentally changed in design or in the way we use them. Phones of course have seen huge improvements in areas like photography but it seems that things have recently started to stagnate a little.

But there is evidence that we might be going in a completely new direction.

Where we’re at

It’s pretty obvious that right now devices like the iPad Pro, despite its insane power, simply don't have the app support or the user base to make it a real professional device.

