Apple Arcade “Day 1” Review of Little Orpheus

Mac O’Clock
2 min readJul 27, 2020


Because I don’t want to give my reaction up right away I am going to leave a long pause before I say…

WOW! Wow, Wow, Wow. Little Orpheus is an amazing side scroll game, probably the best that I have ever played in the realm of side scroll since Sonic on Sega CD, yes that was the first console type of game I played at the age of 9 years old, and it was a lot of fun. I know that some people would say other wise, but as an adult who is use to playing the original PlayStation 1 and grew up on Computer Gaming as well, I absolutely love Little Orpheus in every way.

It starts you off in this dinosaur world where you have to get through this jungle of amazing larger than life plants and of course you run into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. That’s inevitable. It is fun; a lot of fun. I woke up this morning after waiting overnight for certain games to download, and Little Orpheus was the first game to complete downloading and I ended up playing the game without breaking my concentration for 2 hours.

2 Hours that just flew by like nothing. I never expected any of the Apple arcade games to be this fun especially since I have never been a fan of arcade style games, at all. I am more of a 3rd person linear type of player where you only have one option and if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, you know?

This game reminds me of Tomb Raider and Unchartered 3 a lot. The graphics are great and vivid. I’m not entirely sure but the game also looks like it’s supposed to be played in 3D. I don’t know if that’s the case but maybe someone can enlighten me on whether or not that’s true.

This is just day one of playing and I’m already addicted to this game. It’s a lot of fun, and very entertaining. Let’s see how day 2 goes and how far I get in the game tomorrow.

As always thanks for reading!



Mac O’Clock

I write fictional “short stories,” “scripts,” and “real life blogs”. I look forward to your responses, and enjoy having an audience to write for every day.