Has the M1 chip made iPad Pro a real computer now?

Utpal Kumar
Mac O’Clock
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2021

iPad is not a computer but it has the potential to be. A computer is a computer, don’t make it an iPad.

You must have come across the ad about the iPad Pro: “What’s a computer?”. From those ads, I derived that Apple is trying to converge the iPad Pro towards a real computer. However, recent moves from Apple are showing that it is rather trying to converge a computer towards an iPad!

Photo by Henry Ascroft on Unsplash

Apple made the iPad fast, probably much faster than many Intel-based computers. It has a touch screen that Macs have never got (and probably will never get) and it often comes in handy in some quick and easy tasks. Recently, Apple introduced the M1 chip into the iPad Pro, which will make it far more powerful, only limited by its crippling software. It’s like having a dessert in your refrigerator, that is exciting but you’re not allowed to have it, which is frustrating. The software in iPad is crippling if you think of it as a computer but if you think of it as a tablet, the software is “futuristic”.

Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

Along with the M1 chip in the iPad Pro, Apple also released the iMacs with super-thin body design, beautiful colors, and lesser ports. Apple has been moving forward in the belief that Macs should have lesser ports and a thinner body. It is still acceptable in a Macbook Air but when we buy a Macbook Pro or an iMac, we want power and we want to do real-world tasks. With the new iMac, we got the power (same as the new iPad Pro), but have to compromise with the lesser ports than the older iMac. When we work on a computer, we need to insert an SD card, use HDMI cables, USB dongles, etc, in addition to the cloud, but Apple is forgetting that.

iPad Pro has two ports (if you buy the keyboard) and it has a touchscreen. Honestly, I feel that the iPad Pro is a better deal than the iMacs only if it had better software.

Photo by Norbert Levajsics on Unsplash

In summary, Apple is working very hard to make the iPad better but at the same time forgot what is a real computer. I am eagerly looking forward to the next WWDC for the new iPad OS that can support Apple’s claims.



Utpal Kumar
Mac O’Clock

Post Doctoral Researcher @ UC Berkeley. Interests in Data Science | Geophysics | Coding | Productivity