iGlass: The Apple of your Eye

Ajay Kumar Arya
Mac O’Clock
Published in
6 min readOct 31, 2020

If you thought that the Apple Watch was an unnecessary extravaganza, then you should totally check this out. Apple is soon going to release the new Apple Glass or as they call it: the iGlass. Like it or not, the iGlass may just do to the goggles what the Airpods did to the headphones. So what are these all about? And should these really be the Apple of your eye?

First things first, everyone has a faint recollection of the massive failure of the Google Glass, which was essentially the same product dished out by Google. But then again, Google is not exactly known for its hardware. We all see that lack of cutting edge in the hardware department on the Pixel series of smartphones by Google.

On the other hand, Apple has time and again proven to be the best amalgamator of clean software and sleek hardware, though often at a hefty price. This new addition to the Apple family may not fail the way Google lens did simply because, Apple does it better. Take the iPhone for example, the first real smartphone with never before seen features or even the iPod for that matter and even the early Macintosh computers. Apple has been at the forefront of groundbreaking technology for several decades now.

The Apple watch and the Airpods are no exception to the rule. Smartwatches and bluetooth headphones existed before the Apple products too, but they were not THAT sleek, or that attractive or that popular. As has happened so often, Apple enters a new ecosystem and totally changed the realm.

So, what would the Apple Glasses replace? What would they compete against?

Well, to answer this question, we must dig deeper into what exactly is this product, the iGlass? Since there has been NO OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT by Apple about their launch, I can say that, for now, everything is speculation really. But there are things which are obvious kind of like the way they are obvious before an iPhone launch.

Firstly, the iGlass is going to be some sort of an Augmented Reality device just like the Google Glass or the likes of Facebook’s Oculus Rift VR headset. Although it will more likely be closer to the Google Glass than the Oculus Rift. Here are some images for comparison:

Or should I say, who should buy these?

The Apple Glass is expected to be launched at a (reasonable?) price of $499 and will have the option of adding prescription lenses at an extra cost. So people who wear spectacles can also use these. But considering the significant cost of owning one of these, the question is: does it add enough value?

Well, granted Apple products have an intrinsic value in that they pack a significant amount of sex appeal, often being more of a status symbol than utility devices…The Apple Glass, like the Apple Watch may just sell a lot based on the cool factor, as a fashion accessory, or a style statement if you will(if they look “cool” enough that is). I mean, when the f*** does anyone ever NEED a Rolex or a Prada? But people still spend a ton of money to buy them just to show others that they’re rich. One could imagine the same kind of consumer psychology working in favor of the Apple Glass as well. And considering that Apple has almost never come up with an ugly product, I’m guessing these would be quite stunning too.

That being said, the Apple Glass, like the Apple Watch, may be immensely useful to SOME people.

Now the big question: Who really needs them?

1. People who wear Spectacles

That’s the default customer base of the iGlass. Since the iGlass can be bought with prescription lenses, they can act like a cool substitute to your normal, boring glasses. And since you have to wear glasses anyway, why not wear the iGlass?

2. Drivers and Bikers

If you need to look at directions on GPS while riding your bike, putting your phone on a handlebar mount or something similar is quite a hassle and glancing at the screen while riding at high speeds may not be the most efficient or the safest way of navigating. Sure, the voice directions may do the job for most people and wearing headphones while riding rather than glasses inside a motorbike helmet may seem more comfortable. But we can all agree that looking at directions is slightly better than listening to them.

3. People who value ease of access

The iGlass would probably be the easiest way to make a Google search or to browse the web especially while doing something else. As far as ease of access is concerned, I think it goes in this ascending order: Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone, Smartwatch and Smart Glass. Imagine needing just one finger(or no finger, just use voice commands!) to do tasks like looking up a Google search, or just scrolling through your Instagram feed!

So basically, it can be useful for productivity enthusiasts as well as lazy people.

4. Hardcore Professionals

As you can see below, stock brokers are VERY busy people.

Imagine doing away with that phone and at least some of those screens. Suddenly, he won’t be that busy. Let’s face it, devices like the iGlass does add a lot of value to some professionals.

Doctors fall into the same category. They might want to look at an Augmented Reality live feed when they are operating on a patient for example.

There can be countless other examples where the Apple Glass may be useful at work, even for the average Joe.

5. VR/AR Users

Virtual reality is here! Facebook’s Oculus Rift is a prime example of how an immersive VR device can be used for entertainment, gaming, education and many other applications. For example, you might want your customers to glance through your housing project or your catalog. In such cases, the iGlass would serve as a cooler alternative to a computer screen.

Also, considering the high probability that the Apple Glass will come packed with a LIDAR sensor, trust me, the possibilities with Augmented Reality are truly endless! Eventually, you might have an inbuilt PC in your Glass!

6. Fashion Enthusiasts

Having discussed the asthetic appeal of Apple products, this one will surely be a major reason for people to buy the Apple Glass. And given the possibility that you may be able to adjust the darkness of the lens glass, so that they can double up as sunglasses, these sleek aluminium glasses might be worth the money just as normal, fashionable glasses(even without the tech).


So, have you made up your mind yet? Does the iGlass seem like the right choice for you? Leave your reactions in the comment section below and don’t forget to share this post on appropriate portals.

For more content like this, follow me on medium and watch this space!

PS: Here’s a cool bonus video for those who read till the end. Enjoy! 😉




Ajay Kumar Arya
Mac O’Clock

IITian and Physics Teacher. Here to absorb and share actionable ideas.