Apple’s Next Big Thing Is…

Mixed Reality

Bruce Ironhardt
Mac O’Clock


IDG Insider Pro

Apple was once the most innovative company on the planet. They didn't just produce better tech, they created whole new product categories.

They did it with their PC business, then again with the iPod, then again with the iPhone, then again with the iPad, and then again with the Apple Watch.

But ever since Steve Jobs left us, Apple has been…honestly kinda boring. Year after year we’ve seen incremental updates to the same old products.

Don’t get me wrong, they’re perfecting their current product line and they put a lot of work in to create a coherent and frankly useful ecosystem connecting all their products. But this isn’t the Apple we all remember, this new Apple is one that would rather wait for a technology to mature before using it then to be the ones to the first innovate on it (except for maybe FaceID and AirPods).

So the question is… Will, we ever see Apple innovate something new again? And not just some new biometric or a pair of headphones. Will we ever see another iPhone like device?

And an even more important question… if yes what kind of product can we expect?

The answer is a definite yes and thankfully and we already have rumors on what it will be officially named.

