20 Awesome Command Line Tools for the Mac

Stew Alexander
Awesome command line tools for the Mac
3 min readApr 1, 2020

Great tools for the Macintosh Terminal (yes it has one, in the Utilities folder)

Htop terminal client for the Mac

To use these, checkout Homebrew , the Macintosh package manager (after getting Homebrew, use the command "brew install <file name>" to download and install most of these apps)

Reprinted from my LinuxTech website …

Shells (think of it as the command prompt, sort of):

  1. Fish — “Friendly interactive shell”, shell replacement for BASH (the standard Mac Terminal shell), provides command coloring, tab completions, themes and well awesomeness
  2. Zsh / Oh my Zsh — Shell replacement for BASH if you need / want POSIX compliance (if you don’t know what POSIX is, we recommend Fish) — If you use this shell replacement, we recommend going here to get a ton of tips on using zsh


  1. Micro — As discussed above, a really cool text editor that provides syntax highlighting and more (otherwise we recommend Vim as an alternative)
  • See our new article on Micro, and how to use it here
  1. Ranger — A directory / file explorer providing an easier way to find files via the terminal — sort of like Windows Explorer for the console.
  2. Ncdu — Must-have tool that easily figures out how much space is on a system, and where big files / directories are lurking — kinda like WinDirTree for Windows
  3. Bat — a Linux “cat” command alternative, provides syntax highlighting and enumeration in a clean, efficient interface — we love this, and think you would too
  4. MTR-tiny — A package that combines ping and traceroute into a single tool with superpowers to isolate networking issues
  5. Lnav — As discussed above, a tool to explore and decipher all of those pesky cryptic log files you need to review in order to troubleshoot an issue
  6. Rtorrent — terminal based BitTorrent client — for all that (ahem) legal downloading you do ;-)
  7. Ned — because sed sucks — yes it does
  8. MyCli — Console client for MySql / MariaDB databases that does auto-completion and syntax highlighting — As most services with a web interface have a database in the back-end
  9. Glances — Console (and web) based server monitoring tool (like top on steroids) — See what’s going on “at a glance”, we use this often to monitor web services
  10. Taskwarrior — Manage ToDo / task lists from the console — We like our Markdown GUI clients for individual lists, but this is mighty useful when you don’t have a GUI
  11. Calcurse — Calendar and appointment tool for the console — Again, for when you don’t have a GUI to run Google Chrome / Firefox etc.
  12. Htop — Top clone with syntax highlighting and mouse support — The go-to must-have command line tool to understand what a Linux system is doing
  13. Pandoc — document converter — Have a MediaWiki or .doc file you need to turn into html? This will do it, as well as whole lot more.
  14. FireJail — a Type of chroot jail to sandbox processes, services, and or apps so they have less of a chance of affecting the greater environment — This is one approach, another is to use a Docker container, in specific circumstances
  15. Docker — the primary program to deploy services and or apps as containersreview the links and this cheatsheet for more, invaluable to development / DevOps
  16. ELinks — as above, the best app for browsing the web via the command line — The web without a GUI is mighty boring, but sometimes you just need it
  17. HTTPie — A curl-like tool to interact with HTTP servers — For those who use or interact with web servers


  • Nudoku — Sudoko for the console / terminal (available also for the Mac via homebrew) — it’s not all about work
  • Ninvaders — Play space invaders via the console (available also for the Mac via homebrew) — Because 80’s Atari games never ever get old…
  • Bastet — A Tetris clone for the console — C’mon it’s Tetris, for the console … how isn’t this cool?



Stew Alexander
Awesome command line tools for the Mac

Stew Alexander is a network engineer, technology journalist, programmer ​and pianist living in Mebane, NC USA (Full Bio: StewAlexander.com/bio)