
How to maximise your Medium audience

Nassos Michas
Mac O’Clock


Have you ever written a story just to receive an email from Medium a couple of days later telling you that “your story was boosted”? And did your story-statistics looked like this before and after that boost?

A story being accepted for Boost (image by author)

Well done! You have been… boooosted! Oh, you do not know what Boost is? Keep reading, we have gathered all the juicy details we know about Boost next.

What is Boost?

Boost is a program introduced by Medium on February 2023. Boost tries to identify the best stories in Medium and expose them to a wider audience. There is no guarantee as to how much such exposure will affect the number of your readers, however practice shows you gain an initial boost of a few hundreds to a few thousands of additional readers.

How long Boost lasts for?

Boost does not last for very long; usually, it lasts for just a few days. And that is good. The essence of Boost is not to provide you additional readership in perpetuity, but to bring to the surface stories, or writers, that are of exceptional quality but otherwise might have gone relatively unnoticed.



Nassos Michas
Mac O’Clock

Software engineer | Cert. Scrum master | Cert. Professional for Requirements Engineering