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Bugs in M1 Macs That Will Make You Think Twice Before Buying One

Why isn’t anyone talking about this?

Calvin Saint John
Published in
5 min readFeb 14, 2021


Full Disclosure

I have yet to receive my personal M1 Macbook Air. Given how back ordered they are, I’ve been waiting for a month and am scheduled to receive it in about a week or so.

As a self-admitted broke person, I’ve thoroughly researched my purchase decision and am confident in sharing with you the issues with the new M1 Macs so you can make an informed decision for yourself.

The new M1 chip is certainly one of the most exciting things to happen in the consumer electronics space in a long time. Though it’s tempting to let our fanfare get the better of us, the M1 does have its fair share of bugs — some more serious than others.

I’ve listed three of the most common bugs with the new Macs that will make you think twice before pulling the trigger.

Bluetooth Issues

Bluetooth connectivity with the new M1 Macs (particularly the Mac Mini) have been spotty for many users.

This often manifests itself in randomly dropped connections with wireless peripherals like wireless mice, keyboards, and earbuds — even Apple’s own Airpods. The Logitech MX Master 3 mouse, a cult favorite, has also…



Calvin Saint John
Mac O’Clock

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