Build Your Own Time Capsule in 5'

Mac network backup with Time Machine using Docker

Nassos Michas
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readNov 21, 2019


Apple’s Time Capsule had a good run for almost a decade. Now that it’s officially R.I.P. how do you backup your valuable Mac data? One option is to connect a local USB drive, however, moving around with the USB drive attached might not be the best safety measure if you have a laptop.

Let me show you how to quickly create a Time Machine network backup target by utilising a spare machine you have lying around, or a media server you might already be using. We’ll do everything with Docker’s magic helping hand.

Backup storage

Before we even start with Docker commands, you should think about backup storage.

How much storage you need in your Time Capsule

To get an idea of how much storage you’ll need, take the sum of your Mac (or Macs) disk(s)’ already utilised space and multiply it by 2. That should give you plenty of room to have a full backup, as well as incremental backups twice the size of your current data. With this amount of storage available Time Capsule should be able to “take you back in time” many months.

Where is the backup storage located



Nassos Michas
Mac O’Clock

Software engineer | Cert. Scrum master | Cert. Professional for Requirements Engineering