Extend MacBook Air storage with Transcend JetDrive Lite 256GB

Mac O’Clock
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2020

Transcend JetDrive Lite is custom SD Card for Macbook Air 13". Very slim after installed.

sorry for bad ratio :/

Create shorthand to SD Card

After mounted SD Card, You can access SD Card from /Volumes/sdcard. But I come from android. So /sdcard is better.

echo -e 'sdcard\tVolumes/sdcard' | sudo tee -a /etc/synthetic.conf

Reboot and now you can use /sdcard.

Prevent SD Card from sleep

😭😭😭 Update 2020/05/05 — disksleep did not worked 😭😭😭

SD Card always reject when lip the screen or sleep. To prevent SD Card from reject, use Lock Screen instead of sleep. If accidentally rejected, just re-mount SD Card manually.

I’m very happy with /sdcard. But sometimes SD Card random lost when I lip the screen or when computer sleep. This is effect of disksleep.

> sudo pmset -g
System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
standbydelaylow 10800
standby 1
womp 1
halfdim 1
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
powernap 1
gpuswitch 2
networkoversleep 0
disksleep 10 <--- MY SDCARD WILL SLEEP IN 10 MINS !!
standbydelayhigh 86400
sleep 15
autopoweroffdelay 28800
hibernatemode 3
autopoweroff 0
ttyskeepawake 1
displaysleep 15
highstandbythreshold 50
acwake 0
lidwake 1

Change disk sleep to this value..

sudo pmset -a disksleep 1410065408

Reboot again and enjoy your storage :)


