Firefox Finally Looks Like It Belongs On A Mac

Barry Collins
Mac O’Clock
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2021


Firefox has lost its gawkiness

The newly revamped Firefox 89 finally looks comfortable within macOS

At the risk of sounding like a pathetic snob, Firefox has finally blossomed into an attractive browser — one that doesn’t look awkwardly out of place on a Mac.

I’ve always had a soft spot for Mozilla and Firefox, but you never got the sense the company was that bothered about the way its browser looked. It’s always been strong for functionality, but form largely eluded it.

That’s not the case with Firefox 89, which has been released this week with the refreshed Proton interface. I like it a lot.

The tabs now ‘float’ at the top of the browser window, with the active tab clearly punched out from the others. The tab labels can also now carry extra information, such as alerting you to the fact that audio is playing in the tab. Previously this was done with a little speaker icon, now it’s a deck of text. It’s a little splash of elegance that, again, I rather like.

There’s been some work done to the browser to make it more Mac-like too. When you reach the foot of a web page, the page gently bounces to give you a visual clue that you’ve scrolled as far as you can.

What’s more, Mac users can double-tap the touchpad with two fingers and the browser will zoom in on the piece of…

