Get started with Firebase Crashlytics

Track your app crashes

Ryan NHP
Mac O’Clock
4 min readApr 6, 2020


Photo by Michael Jin on Unsplash

As the latest news, all your apps on Fabric should be moved to Firebase before May 4, 2020. Here’re some steps to guide you migrate your crash tracking from Fabric to Firebase Crashlytics

Step 1: Create your project and application on Firebase

This step is not the main part of the article so if you already have a project on Firebase, move to Step 2

Open this link to go to your firebase console
Hit the plus button to create a new project

1.1 Name your project

1.2 Analytics Request

You can allow Google to analyze your data by turning on / off the toggle button in the image below

1.3 Select a default account to get analytics data from

Hit the Create Project button to finalize your project settings

Next, create your iOS application

Select the iOS icon to create your app and follow Firebase instructions

Step 2: Add Firebase Crashlytics

When you added GoogleService-Info.plist into your project and build it successfully. Here is the next step for you.

Add Firebase Crashlytics to your app by adding this line into your Podfile

Then, run pod install and open your .xcodeworkspace

Make sure you already imported Firebase to your AppDelegate by:

And config your Firebase with the following function in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

Ok, try to rebuild your project again to make sure there are no problems

Step 3: Add Script to initialize Crashlytics

Select your target and select Build Phases on the bar and select New Run Script Phase

Open Run Script section and input the script below

Rebuild your project again

Step 4: Upload dSYM files automatically

Try to make a fake crash by adding fatalError() to anywhere in your code

For example, I have a function is log in with Apple and I will add this function to simulate a crash

After implement and run a build, your app will be crashed when hit the apple sign-in button. Your crash will be shown on Firebase Crashlytics dashboard within 5 minutes

You’ll get a message like this

That’s mean you get the crash report, but need dSYM files to show them clearly. You need to add one more run script to upload dSYM files automatically

As Firebase mentioned, your script should be:

Let’s map the Firebase instruction to the correct run script

For example, my GoogleService-Info.plist in the PROD folder as the image below

We’ll have

So, let’s combine together, the whole script should be

Now, you can build and simulate a crash again, it’s recorded

Thanks for reading!

