Going Green With Apple. All Apple Products Will Be Carbon Neutral By 2030

Jie Liang Chua
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readAug 3, 2020

There is much concern across the globe of the effects of pollution, unsustainable practices, etc. on the planet. The issue has been highlighted because global warming is leading to a change in climate, melting of glaciers, extreme temperatures, and more. All areas of life need to follow sustainable procedures if the issue wants to be addressed. This applies to technology as well. Those businesses which are doing this are being preferred rather than others. Apple, a famous brand is aiming to go and make all its products carbon neutral. It aims to aid many suppliers in going towards renewable resources.

Apple’s aim to become green

In the past few years, this company has been involved much in trying to be environmentally friendly. For much time they were producing major waste and not helping the planet out. Now they have given their word that they wish to make their products carbon-neutral. They have even made some huge investments in our earth. Their wish to become carbon neutral by the year 2030 will be a huge success as it is 20 years before the target has been set by the famous IPCC.

What are carbon-neutral products?

These are those items that have their CO2 emission connected to their manufacturing been calculated along with handled appropriately with a useful carbon offset initiative. Their role is to limit carbon emissions overall.

A brand that says they will go carbon neutral means that they will limit carbon emission produced. These will get balanced by making a similar level of carbon savings somewhere else.

, after being reckless with its activities in connection to the environment is now working towards being more responsible. This will allow them to increase their reputation even further whilst helping the planet out.

Apple wishes to limit its present emissions by around 75% and this within 10 years. They want to form solutions for the rest of 25% to stop CO2 from being produced by them. For recovering CO2, they will pursue reforestation. They are working with some funds such as The Conservation Fund, World Wildlife Fund, and Conservation International. Apple says it has to date been able to keep extensive forest areas in China, the US, Columbia as well as Kenya protected.

At the time that a company claims that they will be carbon neutral, they want to rid the environment of carbon emission by doing the following:

  • Balancing how much carbon they produced
  • Offsetting the amount of carbon produced
  • Limiting greenhouse gas production by opting for renewable methods

Some eco-friendly activities

This popular company wants to also help many producers turn to renewable resources gradually. Much pollution is produced due to the production of electricity which is used extensively by these technological giants in all their processes. If this can be cut, it will have an impact on protecting our planet. Precious resources that take billions of years to make are also getting wasted by them, and if the practice is limited, future generations may have access to these resources as well. By employing renewable ones less waste will occur.

Apple’s stores, buildings along with data centers are utilizing renewable electricity. If these procedures can be adopted by other producers, it will be helpful.

Creating products, the eco-friendly way

Apple says that it wants to make its products only have recycled items in them. This will help in limiting the employment of natural resources that are tough to produce. They have been able to do this with their iPhones, iPods, Macs along with Apple Watches, i.e. those devices which have recently been introduced in the last year have been manufactured using materials that are recycled.

There are rare earth products found in your iPhone’s Taptic Engine. For some years the aluminum case is also made from recycled material.

Some Apple projects

The company has publicized a 10-year roadmap which states what they will do to become green. One is to employ a robot known as Dave. This will recover precious items from the Taptic Engine of products that come back to get recycled. The area is utilized to give feedback to people who have these brands’ products.

At the time that the engine gets taken out by Daisy which is a robot, Dave takes control and takes out the rare-earth items plus the tungsten. They can then be used again and so not wasted. Most of Apple’s present suppliers claim that they will employ renewable energy also.

Other projects are:

  • Using recycled items in products
  • Solar-panel initiatives in Scandinavia which will provide energy to its data centers
  • The formation of a nonexistent carbon aluminum-smelting procedure with the help of two suppliers
  • Taking part in environmental initiatives, like functioning to regrow mangrove trees along with shrubs in Colombia
  • Being involved in eco-friendly aims to help communities, like making the use of rooftop solar panels more at a place where poor kids stay in the Philippines, providing electricity to a fishing area in Thailand

Aims of other companies

Some other technological brands have been following these practices. Microsoft plans to do more to become carbon negative. They want to get rid of all the carbon they have produced by 2050. They aim to form a consortium with Nike, Starbucks, Mercedes-Benz, all top companies, and others to all help one another with carbon limiting products.

Amazon gives a 2040 initiative to become carbon neutral. They hope to make their delivery cars not give off much pollution.

Google also wants to limit its carbon emissions. They have not given a deadline for this, however.

Apple-like other major companies is interested in becoming eco-friendly in all its operations. Nowadays if a brand does not do this, people are not interested in buying from them. These are seen as irresponsible because they do not care for the environment. This is why all procedures are moving in this area. Time will tell which company has succeeded and which are only making claims.

Originally published at https://audiovisualaoce.com on August 3, 2020.

