Here Comes the MacBook Studio?

The 15-inch MacBook rumors are hard to ignore

Dan Hansen
Mac O’Clock
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2023


Render of 15-inch MacBook Studio
Image courtesy of author

Since my M2 Pro Mac mini arrived at the end of January I’ve been largely ignoring the rumors about which Macs will come next. Instead, I’ve been content to take advantage of the amazing Mac mini, recently knocking out the latest update to my golf-themed Wordle app, Word Golf Ace, in just a few hours, with almost zero time spent waiting for Xcode builds to complete. But then Accidental Tech Podcaster John Siracusa blew my mind with his take on the rumored 15-inch MacBook Air on episode 525 of ATP:

John: There are some rumors that it might have an M2 Pro in it instead of an M2 because you’ve got more room and more cooling. The thing I’ve been thinking about is that I haven’t seen anyone say yet, and it’s been weeks, and I figured someone would have done it by now but if not I’m going to say it. They talk about it like it won’t even be called the MacBook Air. I wonder what it will be called. And they never let the other shoe drop. What will it be called two co-hosts of ATP? If it’s not called MacBook Air and it’s 15-inch what will it be called according to Apple’s current naming conventions?

Marco: Maybe MacBook just by itself?

Casey: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking

