History of the Apple Store and How they became so successful

Yash Patak
Mac O’Clock
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2020


Apple Store — Regent Street, London, UK — Apple

Apple retail stores are some of the most successful retail stores in the world and are hugely profitable. The sheer level of success they experienced with their retail stores was not predicted by anyone when Steve Jobs went on to unveil the first Apple Store in Virginia in 2001. In fact, when they first opened they faced several negative headlines and many predicted them to fail.

To see how they managed to become one of the most famous retail stores in the world lets look back at their history. Before they had their stores, they heavily used the store within a store concept. This is when you dedicate a section of each store to Apple; however, this was not working for Apple, especially as the stores in which they operated under did not have many incentives to promote their products. With the store in a store concept not working and Steve Jobs returning to Apple, they needed to change something. This change came in the form of the Apple online store. This started becoming very successful, achieving over a million dollars a day in revenue every day very soon after its launch.

After seeing that the store within a store concept was not working for them, they started reducing the number of these types of stores significantly mainly working with Best Buy and Comp USA. After seeing the limitations of this format, Apple…

