How Apple wins Big — Dolby & HDR

Mangesh Walsangikar
Mac O’Clock


I’ve always wondered how apple gets things right, which is almost to perfect? Let’s not compare Android to iOS as both have differences in perspective, and both are right at their positioning. Android is more inclusive, while iOS is intuitive. However, one thing is a certain apple is very secretive about how they do what they do while only speaking about why they do what they do. I’ve hardly missed apple keynotes since 2015, I observed few synchronised shifts in the innovations, all of which some or the other way points at one company, in particular, that’s Dolby.

How apple started branding Dolby’s innovations in its portfolio, be it Dolby Atmos, Dolby Vision, or HDR, a company that is so cautious about its brand-image and how blatantly started to trust someone external.

This is a Next Level video, covered by Lauren Goode for The Verge, which sheds some light on what Dolby really does, measuring human emotions and responses specific to the digital world, and Apple has been a critical buyer of their innovations. This shows a very unique intricate connection between an R&D company and a product development organization. Since we’ve established that, let’s explore how that works with products.

Links between HDR to XDR Product portfolio:

Most of the Apple products have displays as a prime interacting surface.

Using Dolby’s HDR innovations brings in the gamuts into a whole new level, primarily when your hardware division is ready to shoulder it.

  • The super retina XDR display (iPhone 11)
  • mini Apple pro display XDR (iPhone 11 Pro)
  • Pro display XDR

These products are direct results of these collaborations, and you’ll feel significant differences in the appearance of interfaces and color reproductions on these devices, which are more pleasing and industry-accepted. To introduce these to the entire experiences ecosystem, only the HCI color guidelines need to be aligned, and that’s pretty smart. :)

Links between Atmos and pod products:

Apple’s next frontier, audio products

Referring to an article; A company selling just AirPods could be worth $175 billion in 2020. AirPods became a must to have if you’re a part of apple ecosystem; a strategy to push the product forward became visible with removing the headphone jack in 2016, courage was an underlying word to experiment. W1 and H1 chips make hardware efficient, and Atmos’s helping it make the experience amazing, I found something in pushed their patents that talks explicitly about object-based surround application in Homepod.

Staying ahead of the curve

Apple is undoubted heading towards most enriching display systems and highly advanced audio products, both of these domains are mostly, isolated, and vendor dependent. A company like Apple venturing deep down into these unchartered territories and bringing brilliance to the consumers will surely push their business ahead of the curve.

Closing Notes

While these audio and display innovations take the leap in satisfying ears and eyes, haptic and packaging is innovating in touch responses. There is a distinct delight in apple products, and these carefully crafted strategies add up to it. The outside world cherry-picks their aesthetics and invents similar products, but the innovation and collaboration wing of apple is leaping ahead in the competition and bringing millions and billions of revenue with it.

I’ve shared the last topic in this series as other topics are works in progress, the sequence has changed, so please stay tuned.



Mangesh Walsangikar
Mac O’Clock

I’m Mangesh, a multi-disciplinary design director building intuitive experiences that connects form, function and delight.