How Brite Daily Planner Replaced 9 Productivity Apps & Simplified My Life

Why have nine different apps when you can have one?

The Useful Tech
Mac O’Clock


Source: Brite Daily Planner

Anyone who has been following my blog for a while knows that I am a total productivity app junkie.

If you are new here, just go to my profile and scroll through my posts, and you will know what I am talking about.

If a productivity app promises to organize my life, help me boost my productivity, and better plan my day, chances are I have downloaded it, tinkered for a bit, and then added it to the pile.

Lately, though, I have felt that the struggle is less about getting things done and more about navigating the app graveyard on my iPhone.

See, I have got the whole tech-guy vibe going on — a demanding job in the cybersecurity field, my blog, a newsletter, a podcast, a social media presence, and oh yea, somewhere in there is supposed to be an actual life.

To-do apps? I have got them. Habit trackers? Yep, tried those too. Notes scattered across five different apps… it was a mess.

I was drowning in a sea of good intentions, great apps, and zero follow-through.

Then, in a ‘why not try one more?’ moment, I came across the Brite Daily Planner app on an X post shared…

