How I Finally Triggered the M1 Mac Fan

Is there an issue with the 24" M1 iMac’s single fan?

Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock


Image courtesy of author

The 16" MacBook Pro used to be my daily driver. It was also the noisiest computer I’ve ever owned.

Any kind of remotely intensive task would spin up the fans immediately. As soon as the outside temperature crept above 20 degrees Celsius, the same thing would happen.

It’s one of the reasons it had to go.

But the main reason that wonderful laptop spent such a relatively short time in my life was the launch of the M1 chip. It has transformed computing for me. Fast, power-efficient and capable of being the supercar you can drive to the supermarket, it makes for an incredibly exciting future.

It has also powered some of the quietest computers I’ve ever owned. And this is because, try as I might, I’ve not been able to kick the M1 fan into life.

That is, until last week, when it finally made its presence known under the most unsuspecting of circumstances.

A timely reminder that…



Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock

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