How To Install Windows 11 VM On Apple Silicon (M1/M2 & M3)

Windows VM on your Apple Silicon…

Grant Peach
Mac O’Clock


As I use a Mac (M1) for work everyday to code on, I sometimes need to be able to test my software on a Windows machine.

This is no longer as easy as it used to be as Apple have now moved to an ARM chip and most VM solutions only cater for x86 and x64 Intel/AMD chipsets.

But there is a way to run windows on your M Series Mac…

First off we need an a Windows arm64 Image (ISO) to do this you can head over to the below link (You will need to be a windows insider, you can register here)...

Windows 11 Insider Preview 10.0.22621.891 (ni_release) arm64

Select your preferred language…

Language Selection

Now choose your edition (Unchecking an edition will make the download a little quicker as it will reduce the file size)…

Edition Selection

Now we need to select our download option, the option you will need is Download and



Grant Peach
Mac O’Clock

Python Developer 🐍, Blogger ✍️, Dad 👨‍👧, XBSX/Switch Gamer 🎮, Interested in Computer History 💻, Software & The Internet. 👍