How To Make A macOS Menu Bar App

No Coding Experience Needed! — Powered by XCode 12 and Swift 5.3

Charlie Levine
Mac O’Clock


Photo by T. Q. on Unsplash — Edited by Author

I love macOS menu bar apps. They are minimalistic, hands-off, and sit nice and pretty at the top of my laptop. Here’s what they look like. Do you see the sun icon on the left? That’s the one I made myself with no prior experience writing Swift.

Without further ado, let’s begin.

Setting Up

If you don’t have XCode installed, grab it from the App Store. Once you open it, click Create a new Xcode project.

Screenshot by Author

Then, select App under macOS.

Screenshot by Author

Fill out the information on the next page as you see here. Your product name, team, and organization identifier should be different than mine. Everything else should be the same.

