How to submit iOS App to App Store The Definitive 2020 Guide

Janna Dawson
Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readNov 26, 2019

You are developing amazing iOS apps day, night, weeks or even months … Congratulations!

It’s time to finally launch it for your target market-your first iOS app of your career is ready to break all records.

Make it easier with this easy-to-use guide.

submit an app to apple store

Step 1: First, check if your iOS app is really ready.

When you press the last line of code or implement the last function of the APP specification, iOS APP development will not only end. Once tested for errors related to functional and operational issues, the app can be released.

In other words, testing your app on the simulator is not enough. The family of iOS devices has grown significantly over the years. Therefore, your app must be tested on a physical device. Make sure to test your iOS app on all devices. Some common issues include not optimizing mobile apps for certain screen sizes.

Although Apple does not have a rigorous review process, it has sufficient power to identify issues that affect the user experience.

Step 2: Follow the rules and guidelines

Once you have an intact app, follow Apple’s rules and guidelines to make sure you don’t miss any aspect of approval. We have listed these conclusions for you here. The mobile app should:

  • Does not crash
  • Do not use private API
  • Do not copy the functions of the native APP
  • Use in-app purchases for in-app (financial) transactions
  • Do not use the camera, microphone and other native elements without the user’s knowledge
  • Do not use copyrighted material

Step 3: Prepare the prerequisites

Before the mobile app is finally released, please meet the basic requirements. This step contains several sub-steps, as follows:

1.APP program number

Each APP requires an APP ID or APP identifier. There are two types of APP identifiers: explicit APP ID and wildcard APP ID. The wildcard APP ID can be used to build and install multiple apps. Although using the wildcard APP ID is convenient, if your app uses iCloud or uses other iOS features (such as Game Center, Apple Push Notifications, or in-app purchases), you need an explicit APP ID.

2. Certificate of issuance

To submit your app to the App Store, you need to create an iOS provisioning profile for distribution. To create such a profile, you first need to create a distribution certificate. The process of creating a distribution certificate is very similar to the process of creating a development certificate. If you have tested the APP on a physical device, you may already be familiar with the creation of development certificates.

3. Provisioning profile

After creating the App ID and distribution certificate, you can create an iOS settings profile to distribute the app through the App Store.

Remember that you cannot use the same profile used for temporary distribution. You need to create a separate profile for App Store distribution. If you use a wildcard APP ID for your project, you can use the same profile for multiple apps.

4. Build Settings

With the APP ID, after distributing the certificate and configuration file, you can configure the target’s build settings in Xcode. This means selecting the target from the target list in Xcode’s Project Navigator, opening the Build Settings tab at the top, and updating the settings in the Signing section. You need to set the code signing to automatic.

5. Deployment goals

Each target in the Xcode project has a deployment target that indicates the minimum operating system version that the app can run on.

Setting your deployment goals is up to you, but remember that once you put your app in the App Store, modifying your deployment goals is not without consequences. If you increase the deployment target to update the APP, users who have purchased the APP but do not meet the new deployment target will not be able to run the update.

This does cause problems when users download the update through iTunes (not the device), replace the previous version on their computer, and then discover that the new update is not running on their device.

I have two very simple tips on the deployment goals of your app:

When you decide to increase the deployment goals of an existing app, please be careful. In the app’s release notes, note the changes to the previous update and mention it again in the update using the new deployment target. If you warn your customers well in advance, you have done your best to prevent potential problems.

For new apps, I almost always set the deployment target to the previous major version.

Step 4: Assets


You may know that the app icon is an important part of every iOS app, but you need to make sure that the app comes with the correct size artwork.

2. screenshot

Each app can have up to five screenshots and three previews, and you must provide at least one. If you want to develop a universal app, you need to provide a separate screenshot for each device.

It’s important to take some time to consider screenshots. Customers can often use app screenshots to decide whether to buy or download the app.

3. Metadata

Before submitting the app, it is best to have the app’s metadata on hand. This includes:

  • Your app name
  • version number
  • Primary (and optional secondary) categories
  • Concise description
  • Keywords
  • Support URL
  • If you are submitting an update, you can also provide information in the “What’s New in This Release” section.

Does your app require users to log in? You will then need to provide Apple with a test or demo account to ensure that the review team can log in and use your app immediately without having to register for an account first.

Step 4: Preparation for submission

The submission process is now easier. For example, you can now verify and submit your app using Xcode. But first, you need to create your app in iTunes Connect.

Visit iTunes Connect, log in with your iOS developer account and click “Manage Your App” on the right. Click “Add New App” in the upper left corner, select “iOS APP”, and fill out the form.

1. Basic information

“ APP Name” (must be unique) is the name of your APP, as it will appear in the “APP Store”. The name can be different from the name displayed under the APP icon on the home screen, but it is recommended to choose the same name.

The SKU number is a unique string identifying your app. I usually use the bundle identifier of the app.

The last piece of information is the bundle ID of your app. This means selecting from the drop-down menu the (wildcard or explicit) App ID you created earlier.

2. Price and availability

In the next step, specify the price and availability of the app. Apple uses price tiers, so you don’t have to specify a price for every country in which Apple operates. You can also specify in which stores the app should or should not be offered.

Once your app is published in the App Store, you can modify the information entered in this step. In other words, you can change the price and availability of the app without having to submit an update. You can easily do this by selecting the “Pricing and Availability” tab on the left side of the APP’s iTunes Connect page.

3. Metadata

We have introduced the metadata of the APP. The only aspect I haven’t talked about is the level of your app. Give it a rating based on the content and functionality of your app. This level is helpful not only to inform users of the content and functions of your app but also for the parental control function of the operating system.

It is strongly recommended that you do not go beyond the rating system. Apple understands this strategy very well and will reject your application if it differs from the level you set. You may also need to adjust many other content based on your app, but since they are very easy to explain, we won’t go into details. To do this, go to the APP Information tab in the left pane.

4. Upload the APP binary file

To submit your app, you need to create an archive. You can only create an archive by building an app on a universal device. If you select the iOS simulator in your active scenario, you will notice that the “Archive” option in Xcode’s “Product” menu is grayed out. Connect your iOS device to your Mac, select it in your event plan, and select “Archive” from Xcode’s “Product” menu.

If all goes well, you should now have an archive and Xcode’s manager will automatically open and show you the archive you just created.

Select the archive from the list and click the Upload to App Store … button on the right. Then upload the APP binary file to Apple’s server.

During this process, your app will also be verified. If errors occur during validation, the submission process will fail. The verification process is very useful because it will tell you if there is a problem with your APP binary or it will cause the App Store review team to reject it.

Step 6: Prepare for the waiting period

If there are no issues with the submission process, your app status will change to “Waiting for Review.” It takes Apple several days to review your app, and the time fluctuates over time.

good luck!

