I Asked ChatGPT for the TRUTH About the iPhone

And, yes, if you know, YOU KNOW

Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock


Image courtesy of author

I woke up this morning with the stark realisation that I haven’t written a single ChatGPT-inspired blog post.

What kind of content creator am I? How can I not have already threaded the meteoric (and, frankly, frightening) rise of AI into every single piece of content I’ve written since ChatGPT became household table talk?

Today, I’m going to put that right by having a bit of fun with Mr GPT.

I asked it a very simple question which was laced with the opportunity for weird computer-generated opinions, half-truths, and questionable sources.

“Give me 20 things only iPhone users know and make them funny,” I asked.

This is what ChatGPT spat out, complete with my reaction to each one.

20 things only iPhone users know (generated by AI)

The iPhone has a passionate, loyal, and, at times, incredibly blinkered audience. I sit firmly within it which means…



Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock

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