I Hope The Vision Pro Fails

From an Apple fanboy

Varun Khadri
Mac O’Clock


Image credit: Apple

I’m an Apple fanboy, I have every one of their products.

But this time, I’m betting against them.

Apple introduced the Apple Vison Pro at WWDC last night.

It’s a VR headset that’s intelligent, far more intuitive than anything else out there right now, and works seamlessly with other Apple products.

But they’ve made it a little too good.

The Stand-Out Features

Watch MKBHD’s video if you want the full list of features.

If you’d like a gist instead, here it is:

  • You can take video calls without showing your face and still have it be shown to the person you’re talking to
  • You can feel like you’re at any place on Earth that you want to be, all from the comfort of your living room, a stunningly immersive experience
  • You have a gigantic (virtual) 4K screen on demand, you can enlarge it to fit entire rooms and take things like watching a movie or gaming to the next level
  • The device is so intelligent that you can have it on but still be able to have conversations when someone comes to talk to you



Varun Khadri
Mac O’Clock

Ghostwriter to millionaires. Editor-in-chief at The Post-Grad Survival Guide