I Installed Old Mac OS 8 (1997) on My MacBook M1 — Here’s How

Have a nice trip down the memory lane

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock


macintosh.js app emulating Mac OS 8 of 1997
Image courtesy of Felix Rieseberg

Oh, so you’ve come to know how my Mac’s running after I ditched the new macOS Monterey and installed the old Mac OS 8.

But let me dispel your belief.

The Mac OS 8, here, is actually an app that exactly emulates Mac OS 8 of 1997. “It’s the complete OS”, says its creator Felix Rieseberg.

He did his utmost to collect all its apps, classic games, wallpapers, and videos thanks to an old MacWorld CD. And then compiled them all into a 250 MB app.

Best part, despite the app running on M1, it uses a VM to emulate a Macintosh Quadra 900 with the Motorola CPU Apple used back then. So you’ll find the app running with equal speed and response time as the actual OS had.

Download it here to your macOS, Windows, or Linux:

With this app, most of you, readers, will be having a great trip down the memory lane. But (sadly) not me, as I first used a PC in 2011 & I’m 21 now.



Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock

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