I Switched From 1Password To Keychain — Here’s Why

Not only have I switched from 1Password to Keychain, but I’m not looking back

Justin Cox
Mac O’Clock
Published in
5 min readSep 13, 2021


Keys on a table
Photo by Jozsef Hocza on Unsplash

1Password was my go-to app for more than a decade. It was the first app installed on every new device and something I recommended to everyone I knew. However, when I buy a new iPhone later this week, I won’t download 1Password. Instead, I’ve switched from 1Password to Keychain.

A few weeks ago, 1Password announced their next version, 1Password 8, and released a public beta. Loving the software, I was interested in new features and functionality. Instead, I stumbled into a world of controversy surrounding the next iteration.

1Password 8 Controversy

1Password 8 uses Electron, an app framework designed for cross-platform support. It’s also a framework that uses significant resources on my machine. Upon installing 1Password 8, the memory usage was more than 400% higher than 1Password 7. Granted, it was a beta installation, but that kind of jump is significant.

The other issue people seemed concerned about is 1Password 8 requiring a subscription. In reality, 1Password has offered a subscription for years. The new version will be the first to require the service. I have no issues with software subscriptions that provide…



Justin Cox
Mac O’Clock

I help writers and nonprofits grow. Editor of The Writing Cooperative. Contact at JustinCox.com