iOS 14 iMessage App is now more Secured — Why you should update to iOS 14.

New BlastDoor Sandbox Security System is implemented in iMessage.

Umar Usman
Mac O’Clock


A security researcher from Google’s Project Zero team recently shared that Apple is using a new sandbox security system called “BlastDoor” for iMessage in iOS 14. Apple usually shared everything they do with security but they didn’t talk about this new security system while unveiling the iOS 14 launch event.

Source: Apple

According to Samuel Groß (Security Researcher at Google Project Zero), “BlastDoor” is a “Basic Sandbox” that allows the Messages app to execute any kind of code separately from the rest of iOS. We have seen many times in the past when hackers tried to hack iOS devices using the Messages app. They wrote special code inside a normal message and send that message to different people to retrieve user data.

Apple already using a different kind of Sandbox security technology in iOS but “BlastDoor” is a new Sandbox security system especially for iMessage. This new security system first process message content in a separate environment so that no malicious code disturb the iOS, retrieve user data, or compromise the security of the device. This new security system update in iOS 14 definitely helps users against attacks that are done using the iOS messages app.



Umar Usman
Mac O’Clock

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