iOS + Tesla: Adding Shortcut Buttons to Home Screen

Mac O’Clock
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2020

What if you want to add a button to your home screen that opens the trunk/frunk? Such a single-action button may be convenient when you just want to do one thing and you don’t want to launch an app and wait for it to connect to the car and then tap on the button that does the action that you want.

The alternative is to use Siri or use the Widget. These are perfectly fine alternatives, but sometimes you can’t talk (eg, in a meeting) or the action that you want does not have a button in the Widget.

How to add the button to home screen

Open the Stats app and go to its settings tab and tap on “Siri Shortcuts”

Now select an action from the list and follow the instructions to assign a phrase to it. In this example, we choose “open the frunk”.

Next, launch the Shortcuts app (by Apple). If the app is not on your device already, you can download it for free from the App Store. In the Shortcuts app, tap on “Create Shortcut” and you will see the following screen:

Tap on “Add Action” to get to the next screen and follow the steps as shown below.

Make sure that you turn off the “Show When Run” switch (otherwise, you will always get a pop up when you execute the shortcut).

Next, give a name to the button change the icon if you want (by tapping on the icon) and then tap on “Add to Home Screen”:

That’s it. The button now appears on your home screen.

Bonus: If you want the Shortcuts app to terminate after the action is finished, add another step in the list of actions as described here.

Disclaimer: I am the developer of Stats app for Tesla. To see what else Stats app can do, click here.

