iPhone 11 Pro, the Perfect Minimalist Travel Camera

Hustle AM đź“ť
Mac O’Clock
Published in
6 min readMar 2, 2020


iPhone 11 is only five months old but it has already learned to say “mama” and “papa” and it has even learned to make a few steps.

Smartphone industry is already huge and it is growing even faster. More and more competitors enter the market each year and the competition becomes fiercer.

Companies like Xiaomi, Vivo and Oppo were not even on the market when Apple fought fierce battles with renowned rivals such as Samsung, Nokia, Motorola or HTC. In the meantime, those who managed to attract customers by their side survived while others failed woefully.

Samsung has retained the highest market share in the global smartphone industry since 2011, while Huawei and Apple in the last years have oscillated between the places two and three among the top of the preferences of consumers.

Of course, the fact that they had the highest sales, allowed these companies to also be the first to implement the latest technologies on their smartphone models, like for example better screens, better operating systems and bigger batteries.

It seems though, in the last years more and more people are choosing to buy a new smartphone based on its camera image quality. This is the reason why smartphone companies are talking more and more about their cameras in their presentations.



Hustle AM đź“ť
Mac O’Clock

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