iPhone 15 is STILL the beating heart

It’s so easy to take for granted just how big the role the iPhone plays in my days

David Lewis
Mac O’Clock


iPhone 15 Pro Max
image: author

On the face of it, yesterday was just another normal Sunday, but you know what struck me…just sitting there quietly through the day was my iPhone 15 Pro Max just doing its thing and making the whole day easier.

We take it for granted but when I pulled back the curtains yesterday it just struck me how much I rely on this device. Of all the Apple products I own, because of the nature of the iPhone, it is at the core and centre of so much that I do — often more than I give it credit for.

Smell the coffee

I am lucky enough to have last year’s iPhone 14 Pro sitting in the kitchen and these days as that first espresso is made I use that iPhone to play music which I hand over to a HomePod mini.

One of my minis died recently for no apparent reason and with no way to reset it and it being nearly two years old, sadly that one made its way out of the door. But having decent audio in the kitchen with the iPhone/HomePod mini is so convenient. Siri kind of does just enough to be useful and if I know the name of the artist or album I want it generally does its thing well enough. It’s still odd though getting used to saying only Siri rather than Hey…



David Lewis
Mac O’Clock

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