iPhone 15 Pro Max — a real camera killer

Believe it or not, I now reach for the iPhone before my Canon…it’s THAT good!

David Lewis
Mac O’Clock


iPhone 15 Pro Max and Canon 90D
image: author

The more I use my iPhone 15 Pro Max the more I recognise how good it is.

There is a bit of a story to tell here — and it’s camera-based and it all came about because of starting a YouTube channel.

Before that, my phone was just a phone but once I made the jump and decided to start my channel the first thing I needed was — you guessed it — a camera. At the time the only camera I had was a standard iPhone 12 — so I had to make do with that. Ironically my dad’s first job was as a photographer and it was his eternal passion. I never took any interest in it though and when he passed away I had no interest in any of his gear. Wind that on 25 years though and I becoming just a little bit hooked.

I started the channel with no idea about cameras or video — so much so that I’d never used any video editing software — apart from a few casual play days with iMovie. As the iPhone 12 was all I had (it wasn’t even a Pro iPhone) I had to make do with it.

Looking back at those early videos you can tell that the camera quality was, shall we say, lacking! But it got me going and got me used to editing and using a camera.



David Lewis
Mac O’Clock

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