iPhone 15 Pro Max — I REALLY tried to leave you…

Earlier this year I fancied a change and tried to leave the iPhone behind — I failed!

David Lewis
Mac O’Clock


iPhone 15 Pro Max
image: author

The iPhone 15 Pro Max is probably — no strike that — the iPhone 15 Pro Max IS the best iPhone I’ve owned — and it won me over just in time!

In the summer — for the first time I tried Android. That decision was born out of a couple of thoughts. Firstly I thought that trying Android would give me a more balanced perspective when it came to content. At least by having tried ‘the other side’ I’d get a taste of what all the fuss was about. The other reason — I was a bit bored with iPhone.

So with that said, why did Android fail to wow me and win me over?

The 14 Pro was the first phone that I had bought outright and owned — away from a cell provider’s contract and it was also the first Pro phone of any kind that I’d owned.

Don’t get me wrong — it was a great phone in many ways — and yet in other ways, it just seemed to fall short of the mark. I know the first point may prove contentious — but the 14 Pro didn’t feel particularly premium. It was too small for my liking and the edges felt too sharp when you used the phone for any long-ish periods. The battery life was also a let down which didn’t help matters.



David Lewis
Mac O’Clock

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