iPhone XS in 2020

Still a great phone

Passionately Productive
Mac O’Clock
5 min readJul 15, 2020


Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Are you wondering if you should purchase the iPhone XS in 2020? It is still generally a great phone but has pros and cons of buying it in 2020. Personally I bought this phone in 2020, but you can decide from the things I write below.

How Good are the Specs?

Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

When you buy this phone you already know that the specs are not the newest, but they are still good. The iPhone XS has an A12 Bionic processor which is still great nowadays! The current line of iPhones uses A13 processors so this is definitely not outdated and will run well. I think another big thing people think about is the camera. The camera is very good but is just a bit worse than the current line of iPhones. This iPhone does have a bit of a smaller camera than the 11. As well as this the 11 has front-facing slow-mos and night mode while the XS doesn’t. Night mode basically just makes your photos look better at night. I think unless you really care about the camera on your iPhone, this won’t matter too much to you. It can shoot at the same quality as all the new phones, which is 4K for front-facing photos and videos (you have to change this in settings). 4K is an amazing quality which some professional cameras don’t even have! The iPhone XS also has the same amount of RAM (power to open lots of things) as the iPhone 11, 4GB. This phone can have up to 512GB of storage which is the max that the most expensive current phones have! It does have a 5.8-inch screen, which can be bigger and smaller depending on what phone you compare it too. I think the size is great as it is a full-screen display while having a good compact size to carry around. It is also quite light while having face ID. It is also water-resistant, and I can prove this because I have gotten it wet before! Finally, it has great battery life. Apple claims it to be around 10 hours with normal use, though I think it is a bit less usually!

Pros of Getting it

1. You can get it for cheap prices

As this iPhone is not produced newly, directly by apple anymore, many people sell it on amazon for cheap prices. Most of them are refurbished (which are pretty cheap) but some of them are sold brand new (these are not the best priced). If you are worried about it not being good off of Amazon, Apple has a refurbishment program where they sell barely used iPhones that were sent back to Apple. In these phones they do replace the battery, processor, and more! These are also at great prices, just a little more expensive than Amazon. You can also buy from Amazon refurbished! To buy it from the Apple Website click here. To buy from Amazon Renewed click here (affiliate link).

2. The Specs are still great

I already mentioned this in an earlier section, but I thought I might include it as one of the pros. As I talked about earlier most of the specs are just one year off so it is still a great phone to buy now! I would make a comment talking about how great every individual thing is, but I know you don’t have time to read me ramble too much!

3. It Looks Great

I know that this pro doesn’t matter to a lot of people, but it does to some so I thought I would include it. The iPhone XS is a very pretty phone. First of all, it comes in lots of good color options. The camera is also in a really good place! I know many people say the notch (the cutout at the top of the screen) is big, but I personally don’t think so. First of all, you have to think about all the amazing camera technology that has is stuffed into that tiny place. That little dot can shoot portrait photos! The notch doesn’t really make a difference for me as it doesn’t cover too much of the screen.

Photo by Matthias Oberholzer on Unsplash

Cons of Getting it

Quick disclaimer. It was really hard to come up with cons as this is a great phone.

1. No Home Button

For most people, this is a great thing, but I couldn’t think of anything so I thought I would include it. Personally I am for not having a home button. This is because when there is no home button, they can make phones smaller and more portable while giving them bigger screens. When talking to my mom I told her how good having no home button was and she understood all the reasons why it’s great, but still wanted it to have a home button. I think I can understand this. Some people are just very used to it and feel very attached to it.

2. Apple Doesn’t Sell it Brand new

Again, this is not a huge deal as amazon still sells it brand new. I know that some people just want to buy brand new just form Apple. I personally think it is better to buy refurbished from Apple though because it is cheaper but still reliable. Again, it was really hard to come up with things so I had to mention this. You can buy them new on Amazon, so I don’t really think this a big problem. I don’t even recommend buying them new though because the refurbished ones have amazing prices!

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

