5 Unique Ways I Use Apple Reminders & What Needs To Improve

Apple Reminders despite being a simple go-to reminders app for many lacks in many ways. Does simplicity really take a toll on utility? Let’s find out…

Aditya Darekar
Mac O’Clock


Source: Author | Apple Reminder Cover Art

Apple Reminders is one of the many stock apps that sits on your home screen when you set up your new iPhone or iPad. You may explore the App Store for more options such as Things3 or ToDo but there is always a time or scenario where you just fall back on the stock app for the sake of its simplicity and convenience.

I call this the stock-app syndrome. We all experience it with some or the other first-party app. For me, it started with Apple Notes, a few weeks ago:

But recently, the Reminders app has caught me in the trap of stock-app syndrome. While I love using Reminders, I still can’t digest how primitive the app is at first sight.


1. Apple's focus on Simplicity
2. How I Use It
3. When to use Calendars and when to use Reminders?
4. What I want



Aditya Darekar
Mac O’Clock

23 | IT Graduate | Tech Enthusiast | I love to write about Apple Tech and how I use it for leading a healthier, happier and productive life ⌚️💻📱