My first 48 hours with the gorgeous iPhone 15 Pro Max

Nothing can beat spending some time with your new iPhone

David Lewis
Mac O’Clock


iPhone 15 Pro Max
image: author

iPhone 15 has surprised me — it’s as simple as that!

I’d been all over the build-up to the release of this year’s new iPhone and thought I pretty much knew what to expect. If you read any of my stories about the iPhone 15 then you’ll know that there was a certain apathy — it sounded as if the changes were to be so minor as to not be that meaningful. I wasn’t hyped for this year’s iPhone 15.

But I was wrong — and for once I am over the moon to be proven wrong! It’s hard for me to put my finger on any one thing, but the sum of all the small parts is what makes the iPhone 15 so special.

In a year where I have been fortunate enough to try most of the new phones, I figured Apple would just play it safe and follow the tried and tested formula and we’d just end up with more of the same — just another iPhone.

Although subtle, some changes have made the iPhone 15 a winner and one that may yet go down as a classic.

More than skin-deep

On the surface, my iPhone 15 looks almost identical to my iPhone 14 — putting to one side that this year I’ve chosen the 6.7-inch Pro Max whereas last year’s model was the…



David Lewis
Mac O’Clock

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