My iPhone 13 Wishlist

What I hope to see in the new iPhone 13

Aamer Seth
Mac O’Clock


Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash

As we know, every fall, Apple releases its new iPhones that are supposed to be better than the last version and be the greatest iPhone of all time, and the best smartphone on the market. However, I think that Apple has been dropping the ball lately. While the iPhone updates from the previous years have been nice, there are still so many things missing on the iPhone, things that should have been added years ago. There are tons of features that are on countless of flagship Android phones, but Apple is extremely late.

This upcoming September, we can expect the iPhone 13 and probably the iPhone 13 Pro. Leaks have already been coming out about the design and functionality of the device, but this is my personal Wishlist for the next flagship by Apple.


This is long overdue and must be added. Once the iPhone has USB-C, then all major Apple devices will use USB-C. A singular cable that connects everything. We will be able to use our iPad and MacBook chargers to charge our iPhone, and when we travel, we only need to worry about one cable. And, when we go over to a friends place who is using Android, the odds are that their device charges via USB-C, which means iPhone can charge up too. This is what Apple set out to do when they released the MacBook Pro in 2016, and…



Aamer Seth
Mac O’Clock

A young University student very curious about many things and here to share his thinking. Interested in Photography, Technology and sharing stories.