New Alternative Web Browsers for macOS

Chris Chinchilla
Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readFeb 3, 2023



I have long been concerned about the state of browsers and the dominant hegemony of one browser engine. OK, to be fair, it’s a duopoly, but one of those options is almost exclusively restricted to one platform, so it’s… Like many things in tech, it’s complicated.

First, a small and condensed history.

Way back in the technology pre-historic times of the late 90s one browser ruled the (small) online world. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. It was so dominant, governments around the World charged Microsoft with running a monopoly and it’s historical tendrils rooting through global enterprises held up web development and the adoption of web standards until ridiculously recently.

Apple became so sick of their dependency on a competitor to provide web access to their users, they released Safari in 2003. Contrary to popular opinion at the time, Apple didn’t base it on Gecko, the engine in Netscape/Firefox, which was the other dominant browser at the time, but instead forked KHTML to create their own open source WebKit.



Chris Chinchilla
Mac O’Clock

Writer, podcaster, and video maker covering technology, the creative process, board and roleplay game development, fiction, and even more.