One Dent and Seven Months of Use: M1 MacBook Air Update

How did that happen?

Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock


Image courtesy of author

I genuinely have no idea how it happened.

After returning home from the gym, I headed into the kitchen, retrieved my M1 MacBook Air from its soft case and placed it on the breakfast bar, ready for a working lunch.

That’s when I spotted it.

Located on the right-hand side of the MacBook’s casing were several small gouges. They were on both the base of the laptop and its lid. Sharp, too; run your finger too quickly across one of them and you’d probably cut yourself.

I’m so careful with my tech. Or, at least, I thought I was. How could this happen? More importantly, why did the gut-wrenching feeling that follows the discovery of such damage only last a few minutes?

The dent (ok, dents) and my reaction tell their own story and give me the perfect excuse to update you on the best laptop I’ve ever owned.

The damage speaks volumes

I don’t throw my laptops around, but I do put them to task as serious business devices.

Inevitably, this means that the kid gloves period (most Apple device owners will know what this is; you gingerly place the MacBook, iPhone or iPad on every surface, continually wipe away…



Mark Ellis
Mac O’Clock

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